kmplayer繁體中文版 kmplayer 2013繁體中文版下載地址

2009年11月28日 星期六

kmplayer繁體中文版 Kmplayer Building

Kmplayer Building
Actually kmplayer was built successfully before.However I installed GStreamer(a frameword for multy media )in my computer several days ago,and it might break or cover some libraries which needed by compiling kmplayer target.To build it again,i had to install some packets.First at all i reinstalled Maemo SDK,as i really did not know where to start.After that i went into Sb_box and began to built kmplayer.But some errors turned out which seemed like "gtkhtml/gtkhtml.c:not find this file".There was no doubt that it was lacked of some libs.
I remembered it needed a packet named cairo-1.4.10 that Shawn had downloaded.Luckly it was still in my computer.So i built it:
make install
It went well when building and installing.Next i rebuilt Kmplayer.This time the error was different:"/usr//lib/ not read the symbols:wrong file format".What is the matter?Jesus!Was not the shared object not the one needed?FT~~
Suddently i found my compiling evironment was SB_X86.OK,this must be the point of problem.I exited the sratchbox,kmplayer 免安裝,and stopped it:
/scratchbox/sbin/sb_ctl stop
then started it and logged into the environment for arm:
/startchbox/sbin/sb_ctl start
sb-conf SB_ARMEL select
Then i rebuilt 2D graphics library) and rebuilt kmplayer.But errors turned out again:"gtkhtml/gtkhtml.c:not find this file".Why?I found out the INSTALL file of Cairo and read it.
In the file I got the solution.It is said that the path could be changed when ran the configure command.Following the configure command,specify the path direction to be installed.That is all right,I uninstalled the Cairo at once and intalled it once more:
make uninstall
./configure --prifix=/usr
make install
'--prifix=**' was one of arguments of configure command,which indicated path.Then I built Kmplayer target,this time,errors disappeared.
OK,kmplayer 繁體中文版,now the evironment is completely all right.I can continue my work to DIY kmplayer,an open source project,media player running in Linux OS.
